A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Funny face

And what’s with Bush’s face? At the beginning he looked like a Tom Toles cartoon of himself. Now he looks like he’s standing in a strong headwind or something. I guess the only way he can keep himself from looking angry is to freeze his face.

Posted at 9:16 PM


And don’t ignore the spittle early on in the debate. It really grossed me out.

Posted by lilbro at 10:26 PM, October 13, 2004 [Link]

Yeah, what was up with the schmutz in the corner of his mouth? That was grotty.

Posted by Elaine at 11:26 PM, October 13, 2004 [Link]

Hehe. I was thinking something along those lines when I just noticed that he has his father’s lips. Which made me think of the Toles cartoon....

No Nude Axes! No, Nuke Texas!


The spittle factor was missed on the bitty webcast I was watching. Or at least I didn’t pay well enough attention. Sounds like that was good for me.

Posted by sis at 9:04 AM, October 14, 2004 [Link]

It was impossible to freeze his face despite what appeared to be extreme measures to do just that.

They don’t call him Flubber Face for nothing!

Posted by Mamacita at 11:24 AM, October 14, 2004 [Link]

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