Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Friday, December 3, 2004

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

The view over the wing as we approached landing

I’ve posted the first photos from our trip to Florida last week. These were taken from the plane on the way down. I don’t get the opportunity to take aerial photos very often, so this was fun, even if going through the TSA checkpoint to get to this point wasn’t.

Posted at 1:41 AM


hey glad you’re back! nice photos, i love looking down at the clouds when i’m flying. they always look like a big soft cotton cushions that i could jump into.

Posted by deb at 10:52 AM, December 3, 2004 [Link]

I know what you mean, Deb. I don’t recommend you try it though; that first step is a doozy.

(I have to add, though, that I was tempted to suggest to the kids in the seat in front of us on the flight back that the might want to rest their heads on the clouds. I’d even help them out on to the wing.)

Posted by ralph at 9:59 PM, December 5, 2004 [Link]

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