Hollering into the void since 2002

Friday, December 10, 2004

A Sinister Story

If this article about left-handed people is accurate, then it behooves me to treat my lovely wife very well indeed. (Found via Snapping Links.)

Posted at 4:53 PM


Somehow I don’t think you are that scared. Also, it looks like the researchers didn’t bother to take into account whether the perpetrators of the violence were actually left-handed or not. This could actually mean that there is more violence in societies with higher percentages of lefties because the jealous right-handed majority is lashing out at lefties. (Therefore, the lefties are the victims rather than the perpetrators.) If that is the case, then I guess it would behoove *me* to treat *you* very well.

Posted by XYL at 1:49 PM, December 13, 2004 [Link]

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