As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Sunday, January 2, 2005

There’s got to be a twist

Interesting article in the New York Times about people who buy arcade versions of video games and pinball machines for their home game rooms. I would love to have a real pinball machine, myself. Video games would be cool, too, but for the prices they’re fetching, I’ll stick with the Atari Anthology and NAMCO Museum I picked up for Laura’s new Playstation 2 (birthday present to her a couple of weeks ago, and yes, she asked for it, or at least for a system that would let her play Dance Dance Revolution). The company that sells new Stern pinball machines is located only about 20 miles from here. But I don’t like the machines they offer. Elvis pinball? No thanks. On the other hand, there’s a place near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that sells my old favorite table from my college days, when I pumped a small fortune in quarters into pinball machines. The price is much more reasonable than a new table, but still a sum I’m not going to drop just for a pinball machine when there are so many other things we need around the house. Still, it would go nicely with the jukebox and phone booth we already have (Laura got both of them before I met her; my wife is too cool for me, I think), both of which the place in Pennsylvania sells. I can dream....

Posted at 11:46 PM


that IS a cool table. okay, so here’s the plot. you buy it, find a bar or restaurant where you can put it into service just long enough to defray a portion of your costs large enough to assuage your guilt, and then move it into your rec room. voila! (let’s hope not too many beers get spilled on it...)

Posted by shirley at 9:09 PM, January 3, 2005 [Link]

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