As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The weather outside was frightful

Let it snow...

Snow falling in our back yard at night

Let it snow...

Bird house covered in snow

Let it snow.

Snow on the tree branches in back of our house

Posted at 2:10 PM


You’ve managed to make me homesick with those pictures. Even though I know that is crazy given that as I understand it, y’all got a ton more snow than we did.

Posted by sis at 4:48 PM, January 23, 2005 [Link]

You’re not going to want to know how nice a day we had was....

Stay warm

Posted by Shelley at 6:15 PM, January 23, 2005 [Link]

Hey, Bear. Yeah, there was a lot of snow. I measured the snow on the deck at just under a foot. Not too bad, though. Snowblowers are God’s gift to man. I can’t believe I never had one before we bought the house. I always thought the midwest got more snow than we do here, but the reaction to the blizzard that hit you all a few weeks ago that dropped a foot and a half over much of the midwest and seemed to freak everyone out got me thinking otherwise. I’m sure you remember the two foot plus snowfalls a nor’easter can bring.

Shelley, the weather outside was frightful, but inside it was just fine. :-) Actually, I enjoyed the storm. We didn’t have anywhere to go or anything we wanted to do this weekend anyway, so it was a good weekend to just get stuff done around the house and relax together. It was a good impetus to clean up the garage so I could put the car away before things got bad. I got some reading done. I was a bit cold after I cleared the drive for the second time today, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a comforter and a couch. Other than that, I had no problem with just letting it snow....

Posted by ralph at 9:37 PM, January 23, 2005 [Link]

How in the world did you get the snowflakes to stay still long enough to photograph them?? Way cool...

Posted by BarbraAnn at 7:35 AM, January 24, 2005 [Link]

The foot and a half was south of us, actually. This was the first significant snow of the season in the Twin Cities. It was too cold to snow here. :-p

And yeah, I have to say, I’m honestly *not* impressed with the coping with snow here. Sure people think it’s *normal* and *reasonable* to have snow on the ground for 6 months out of the year (and I think they’re nuts). But with the cleaning it up... They suck here. They suck so bad I couldn’t even begin to describe. They don’t seem to have a clue how to deal with it.

I could surmise that maybe they’re just so defeated that they don’t bother with the cleaning of it well. But Yeah. So very not impressed.

Posted by sis at 11:26 AM, January 24, 2005 [Link]

wow... wonderful photos, ralph. it’s been hot and a bit muggy here...

i would love to be teleported over there for a while and experience all that snow again. i do miss it a lot. but then i’ll come back here again, thanks :)

Posted by deb at 3:06 AM, January 26, 2005 [Link]

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