Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Small world, small town

Here’s something that will probably be of interest only to members of my immediate family (and maybe not even to them). Danica Patrick, the woman who almost won the Indianapolis 500 this year, is from Roscoe, Illinois, a village of about 1500 people that I spent some of my teenage years in. She went to Hononegah High School in Rockton, the next town over, and the high school I attended for about seven months before we moved to New Jersey.

I can’t say I knew her (or, since she was born after we moved away, that I knew her parents), but Roscoe is such a small place that I kind of notice when people from there hit the national stage.

Posted at 11:44 PM


Wow - BOTH Danica Patrick AND Todd Cratty who once briefly showed up on NPR. Roscoe is a happenin’ place.

Posted by Barbra Ann at 11:56 AM, June 5, 2005 [Link]

But at least I knew Todd.

At this rate, the next mention of Roscoe in the media should be some time around 2018.

Posted by ralph at 10:55 PM, June 5, 2005 [Link]

I know the area of whence you speak, as I grew up in Rockford I believe our biggest proximate celebrities (next to Cheap Trick) were Cindy Crawford and Otis Ball. We haven’t done so well since then... I think that country singer Gretchen Wilson is from somewhere in Illinois as well, although probably closer to the Uncle Tupelo axis down near Missouri.

Posted by myke at 9:49 AM, July 4, 2005 [Link]

I remember when Cheap Trick first hit. I was in seventh or eighth grade in Roscoe when their first album came out. Seemed like everyone in school had a half dozen or so of their guitar picks one day after they had some huge concert. One of my teachers in school was named Mrs. Zander. I never knew if she had some kind of connection to their lead singer; she kind of seemed like the kind of woman who might have married an up-and-coming local rock star....

Posted by ralph at 12:07 PM, July 4, 2005 [Link]

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