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Friday, June 10, 2005

How many languages?

This one's kind of frightening. Jason Kottke asks how many languages you have in your record collection. This could take weeks to figure out, but here's a first cut based on a couple of hours looking through my CDs.

  1. Albanian: 3 Mustaphas 3
  2. Amharic: Alemayehu Eshete, Mahmoud Ahmed, several other volumes in the Ethiopiques series
  3. Arabic: Khalifa Ould Eide and Dimi Mint Abba, Rasha, 3 Mustaphas 3
  4. Azmari: Volume 2 of Ethiopiques
  5. Balinese: Kecak
  6. Bamanan: Rokia Traore
  7. Bambara: Super Rail Band
  8. Basque: Negu Gorriak
  9. Belarusan: Pesnyarok, Neuro Dubel, Lyapis Trubestskoy
  10. Bemba: Alick Nkhata
  11. Beti: Les Têtes Brulées
  12. Bulgarian: Mystere de Voix Bulgares, Ivo Papasov
  13. Catalan: Dusminguet
  14. Chewa: Kamwendo Brothers Band, Alan Namoko & Chimvu Jazz, Kasambwe Brothers, Alick Nkhata
  15. Czech: Plastic People of the Universe, Matadors, Olympic, Vladimir Misik & Etc. Band, Sto Zvirat, Uz Jsme Doma
  16. Dioula: Les Zagazougou
  17. Efik: E. T. Mensah
  18. English: er....
  19. Estonian: Kirile Loo
  20. Ewe: E. T. Mensah
  21. Fante: E. T. Mensah, The Kumasi Trio
  22. Finnish: Värttina, dozens others
  23. French: Serge Gainsbourg, Francoise Hardy
  24. Fulani: Baaba Maal
  25. Ga: Saka Acquaye and His African Ensemble, E. T. Mensah
  26. German: Blumfeld, Wir Sind Helden, Die Goldenen Zitronen, Attwenger, Hundsbuam Miserablige, Die Knödel
  27. Greek: 3 Mustaphas 3
  28. Hausa: E. T. Mensah
  29. Hebrew: 3 Mustaphas 3
  30. Hindi: 3 Mustaphas 3
  31. Indonesian: Detty Kurnia, Sabah Habas Mustapha
  32. Italian: Alan Lomax Italian Treasury
  33. Japanese: Shonen Knife
  34. Kreyole: Coupe Cloue
  35. Latvian: Ingrid Karklins
  36. Lingala: Franco & O.K. Jazz, Tabu Ley Rochereau, Grand Kalle, Wendo Kolosoy
  37. Luhiya: Abana ba Nasery
  38. Luo: D. O. Misiani and Shirati Band
  39. Macedonian: 3 Mustaphas 3
  40. Magyar: Muszikas
  41. Malagasy: Tarika, Tarika Sammy, Jean Emilien, Jaojoby, Rossy
  42. Mandarin: Cui Jian
  43. Mandinka: Orchestra Baobab, Boubacar Traore
  44. Myene: Pierre Akendegue
  45. Ndebele: African Renaissance - Vol 5
  46. North Sotho: African Renaissance - Vol 5
  47. Norwegian: Kirsten Braten Berg, Annbjorg Lien
  48. Nubian: Ali Hassan Kuban
  49. Nyanja: Alan Namoko & Chimvu Jazz, Alick Nkhata
  50. Okinawan: An Chang Project, Shoukichi Kina
  51. Peul: Ali Farka Toure
  52. Pidgin: George Telek, Not Drowning, Waving
  53. Polish: Klinika, Magic Carpathian Band, Warsaw Village Band
  54. Portuguese: Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66, Os Mutantes
  55. Pulaar: Baaba Maal
  56. Punjabi: Bally Sagoo
  57. Rapa: The Tahitian Choir (Rapa Iti)
  58. Rom: 3 Mustaphas 3
  59. Russian: Vladimir Vysotsky, Kino, Aquarium, Sergey Kuriokhin, Popular Mechanics, Leningrad, Tri Debila
  60. Sami: Mari Boine Persen
  61. Serbo-Croatian: Boban Markovic Orkestar, Sviraj, 3 Mustaphas 3
  62. Shona: Thomas Mapfumo, Oliver Mtukudzi, James Chimombe, Bhundu Boys
  63. Sonrai: Ali Farka Toure
  64. South Sotho: African Renaissance - Vol 3
  65. Spanish: Manu Chao, Buena Vista Social Club, too many others to mention
  66. Swahili: Abana ba Nasery, Mlimini Park Orchestra, Simba Wanyika
  67. Swazi: African Renaissance - Vol 4
  68. Swedish: Garmarna
  69. Tajik: Oleg Fesov
  70. Tigrigna: Volume 6 of Ethiopiques
  71. Tolai: George Telek
  72. Tswana: African Renaissance - Vol 3
  73. Turkish: 3 Mustaphas 3
  74. Tuvan: Sainkho, Yat-Kha
  75. Twi: Koo Nimo
  76. Ukrainian: Vopli Vidopliasova, Oleg Skrypka, Mandry, Pawlo Humeniuk
  77. Urdu: Nusrat Ali Fateh Khan
  78. Uzbek: Yulduz Usmanova
  79. Venda: African Renaissance - Vol 2
  80. Vietnamese: Ho! Roady Music from Vietnam
  81. Wassoulou: Oumou Sangare
  82. Welsh: Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
  83. Wolof: Orchestra Baobab, Yousou N'Dour
  84. Xhosa: African Renaissance - Vol 4
  85. Yoruba: King Sunny Ade
  86. Zulu: Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Malathini & Mahotella Queens

Note that our albums are still in boxes, so there are probably more, and I couldn't reach some CDs. Plus, some of the CDs I did look at, I wasn't sure what languages they were in. So this is, at a rough guess, maybe 70-80% of the languages in my collection. Or maybe less.

Posted at 12:19 AM


Note: I’m tired of clearing the spam from my comments, so comments are no longer accepted.


I look through that, and some of them I don't have a clue even what coutry they're from.

Impressive, indeed.

The question is though, can you ask for a beer in all of those languages? :)

Posted by sis at 9:04 AM, June 10, 2005 [Link]

I don't think I could ever possibly have the patience to decode which language is being spoken on all of my albums.

Even more so if I included all my CD burns of shortwave logs...!

Posted by myke at 9:40 AM, July 4, 2005 [Link]

Err... Azmaris are musicians. They usually sing in Amharic!

Posted by e at 11:51 PM, October 31, 2005 [Link]


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What do you mean there is no cat?

"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."

- Albert Einstein, explaining radio

There used to be a cat

[ photo of Mischief, a black and white cat ]

Mischief, 1988 - December 20, 2003

[ photo of Sylvester, a black and white cat ]

Sylvester (the Dorito Fiend), who died at Thanksgiving, 2000.


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