As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Decline and fall

The recent announcement that once-great Detroit has fallen out of the list of the ten largest cities in the country seems to have drawn the reporters out of the woodwork. Today’s New York Times has an article about the mayor’s race there; I don’t know enough about the current mayor to have an opinion, but he sure sounds like a mixed bag going by this article. Sadder, in light of the baseball All Star Game being played in Detroit at the Tigers’ new stadium on Tuesday, is this article about the fate of their previous home, Tiger Stadium. I would love to see the stadium developed in some way that maintains its old character. I saw a bunch of baseball games there as a kid, and I would hate to see it torn down. But then, I guess that’s part of the problem; nobody wants to tear it down, but nobody has come up with another good idea for it. So there it sits, quietly crumbling to dust, which is probably the worst thing of all.

Posted at 9:12 AM


When lilbro and I were in Rome, we wondered if, had they not blown it up, Philadelphia’s Veterans Stadium would have looked like the Coliseum hundreds of years from now.

Posted by Kylie at 10:58 AM, July 13, 2005 [Link]

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