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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

She-Be-She Strike Story Stunner

Back in April, Station Manager Ken of freeform wonderstation WFMU posted an MP3 of an amazing, legendary bit of radio, broadcast over the airwaves of a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation station in the arctic north during a lockout of the staff around 1981. At the time, Ken had no way of knowing that in August, the CBC would again lock out its technicians, reporters, producers, and other staff members...

...which led to an explosion in blogs and podcasts created by locked-out CBC staffers, some of whom linked to the ’FMU post...

...which led to a locked out staffer turned blogger who goes by the nom-de-blog of "Cold Feet" in Rankin Island, Nunavut, posting a brief item explaining the genesis of the program, and identifying the perpetrator.

Sadly, the real story isn’t as amusing as the speculation on the WFMU blog that it was a bunch of drunken janitors taking over the station, but it’s still pretty good, and it does have the benefit of being the truth.

Posted at 12:34 PM


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