More Knight Ridder
Steve Outing’s Stop The Presses column this time includes a number of responses to his previous column about Knight Ridder’s bad content management system, imposed on all their newspapers by managerial fiat. One of the responses is from yours truly. If you’re coming to this site from the article, here is my original critique of Knight Ridder’s redesign, and here is my response to Steve’s original column (it’s very similar to what I e-mailed Steve, although the version on the E&P site has been lightly edited and improved).
Don’t scroll past the beginning of the column to get to the responses, though. The bulk of this column is a very interesting take on newspapers’ attempts to charge for access to their archives and how libraries enable users to make an end run around them. Of course, if the newspapers were like Disney, they would curtail library access to the databases that make this possible (oops, I don’t want to give them any ideas....)
Posted at 1:10 PM