As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Sunday, January 8, 2006

The Pig’s Big 78s

The best record label in all of Germany and probably one of the best half dozen in the world is releasing yet another must-have CD this spring. (This is a surprise?)

I was looking for some place that has the first two CDs in the new Zanzibara series by the French record label that has been releasing the exhaustive Ethiopiques archival series (now up to 20 volumes and no end in sight, much to the dismay of my smoking credit card....) None of the usual suspects had them in stock, but when I got to my usual source for German CDs, I also searched for my favorite Alpine folk-punk-electronica band Attwenger, and found that they had a new album. But no, that’s not the must-have CD I refer to (although I must have it.)

No, the must-have CD is one I found when I went to the English-language site of Attwenger’s label, the aforementioned best record label in all of Germany, Trikont. (They also have a site auf Deutsch that covers all of their releases, not just the ones they think might appeal to an international audience, some of which are as interesting as the stuff they distribute outside of Germany.) Trikont is releasing a CD of John Peel and his wife Shiela’s favorite old 78 rpm records:

The phone call came out of the blue: "Would you be interested in releasing a CD of my favourite 78 records?" said a familar voice. "You’re the only label I can think of who can do this!". John Peel was proposing a collaboration. He’d been a fan of Trikont for some time and we were long standing fans of his.

Yippee! The Pig’s Big 78s comes to CD!

Posted at 11:27 AM


This is a great looking blog! I dream of having a blog that looks like this. Congratulations! And that etch a sketch anniversary gift idea was brilliant. I’m basically in awe, here.

Posted by Joe Mahoney at 7:58 PM, January 12, 2006 [Link]

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