Lipstick on a pig
Despite the fact that I think the web is a lousy forum for conversation, that that’s inherent in its design and likely to never be fully successfully overcome, and that we should instead focus on what the web is good for, I’ve added support for coComment, which allows you to track your comments across web sites. It claims to improve conversations. We’ll see. I don’t know how much I’ll use it; I’m not crazy about centralized services like this, and the fact that it requires extra actions by the user each time they comment seems like a big flaw. Like anything that attempts to promote conversation on the web, I think it’s lipstick on a pig, but hey, sometimes a pig needs lipstick, and it doesn’t really hurt.
Posted at 7:46 PM
I do not know about the improving conversations but coComment certainly helps me to keep better track of where I have commented and for fellow cocommenters a followup of other comments on my comments.
Posted by Dewayne Mikkelson at 9:59 AM, February 23, 2006 [Link]