The alternative to flowers!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Well, hey, web geeks are hot

Brief conversation with one of a group of five women on 4th Street while waiting at a stop light on the way back to the hotel from Break Bread With Brad tonight:

Woman (upon seeing my SXSW badge): Oh, is South by Southwest starting already?

Me: Yup. Started today.

Woman: (something about musicians that I don’t remember exactly).

Me: Well, that starts later in the week. Right now it’s just film people and web geeks.

Woman: Oh, web geeks get me so hot!

Woman 2: You’re a film person, right?

Me: Sorry ladies, I’m married. :-)

Woman 2: We are too. :-)


Posted at 1:20 AM


Damn, I miss all the fun! Was this before or after we started taking? See ya around tomorrow at some time!

Posted by Jakob Heuser at 1:31 AM, March 11, 2006 [Link]

It was immediately before we started talking, Jakob. Couldn’t have been more than three or four seconds after the "We are too" line that I looked from my left, where these ladies were, to my right, where you were.

Posted by ralph at 1:34 AM, March 11, 2006 [Link]

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