The alternative to flowers!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Too much!

Okay, this is running on two different computers (on one screen), but still....

Computer screen showing Mac OS X, Fedora Core 4, Mac OS 9, and Windows XP Pro in one screen

Mac OS X running X Windows to display the screen of a computer running Fedora Core 4, which is running Mac OS 9.0.4 using SheepShaver and Windows XP Professional using VMWare Server. Now I can test my sites with almost anything....


Posted at 5:20 PM


ow! that made my brain hurt!

Posted by Elaine at 7:19 PM, March 22, 2006 [Link]

Is your background one that you’ve created for yourself? Would you be upset if I took it to use on my LJ? purpleyarrow suggested that I mention that I’m a friend of hers (IRL, actually).

Posted by ourika at 9:28 PM, March 24, 2006 [Link]

Yowza. I think I’ll stick with BrowserCam!

Posted by Trey Piepmeier at 2:48 AM, March 26, 2006 [Link]

That is teh funny.

Posted by Jonathan at 11:07 AM, January 22, 2008 [Link]

what spec is that machine? i want to set up something very similar but instead using running a combination of Mac OS X, Windows Server 2003, Fedora Core 7 & maybe XP Pro

Posted by stoo at 11:21 PM, March 10, 2008 [Link]

I was using a G4 Quicksilver/733 for the Mac side of this and a small form factor barebones Intel box with a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 for the Linux side. Both of those computers have since been retired in favor of a Mac Pro. I can boot natively into OS X, XP, or Vista, and run XP, Ubuntu, and Mac OS 9 under virtualization software.

Posted by ralph at 5:20 AM, March 11, 2008 [Link]


Posted by andy at 9:13 PM, June 14, 2008 [Link]

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