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Friday, May 31, 2002

Mark Tully on India and Pakistan

Mark Tully is probably the most regionally-savvy western reporter in the Indian subcontinent, with 30 years in the field. After a career reporting from India for the BBC, he fell out with BBC’s leadership a few years back and left. Now he’s filing analysis stories periodically for CNN. His most recent story is from about a week ago, which could seem an eternity in the conflict brewing between Pakistan and India, but still makes for an interesting read. I’m going to keep an eye on the Tully archive on CNN.com to see what he comes up with next.

In 1992, Tully wrote a book of essays about India and his experiences there. It was published in the U.S. as The Defeat of a Congressman and in the U.K. as No Full Stops in India (I guess the publishers felt U.S. readers wouldn’t get the pun in the U.K. title, so they came up with a different punning title for the U.S. release). I haven’t read it in a while; guess I need to pull it off the shelf. The books are well out of print by now, but Powell’s has used copies in stock.

Posted at 7:43 PM


Dear sir, Remember my meeting with you in Mahakaushal Express on Monday. I am planning to come to Delhi tomorrow and i would like to meet you, if you permit. Please let me know your contact number and your availability in Delhi in the next week awdhesh (A K Singh)

Posted by awdhesh kumar singh at 12:36 AM, January 5, 2003 [Link]

Dear Sir/Madam

i would like to get the email id and contact address of Mark Tully immediately. i need very urgent for the same. i will send the comment latter.

Thank you Yours Sincerely P. Kirubanithi

Posted by P. Kirubanithi at 1:03 AM, January 28, 2005 [Link]

I also need the email id of mark tully please do me help

Posted by farooq soomro at 5:42 AM, May 24, 2005 [Link]

I am not Mark Tully. I don’t know Mark Tully personally. I don’t know his e-mail address. I’m just another listener who has appreciated his reporting over the years.

Try the BBC.

Posted by ralph at 8:52 AM, May 24, 2005 [Link]

respected sir, about a year back i read NO FULL STOPS IN INDIhat A and few days back i read INDIA IN SLOW MOTION, i must admit that i was really moved by the vivid description that a foreigner gave about my country and it was a grt experience to see my country through ur eyes. i ll always be greatful to u for this.

abhinav tickoo.

Posted by Abhinav Tickoo at 5:57 AM, May 25, 2005 [Link]

Dear Mark, Heard u r in Darjeeling to make a documentary on the DHR.Well am an ex-student of Victoria School,Kurseong.Am also the Joint Secretary of VADHA(Victoria and Dow Hill Alumni Association)North Bengal Chapter.We have a lot of members in London too.You may perhaps be well aware that the DHR and Victoria & Dow Hill schools of Kurseong are connected historically.Both were establised in the same year and the schools were also know as Railway school since the children of employees of the Railways studied there,then these were schools for elite students....specially for the Britishers.I would like to meet up with you and talk to you about the connection of these schools with the DHR-since this aspect has always been neglected while writing or documenting the history of DHR.If you are still in darjeeling pl get in touch with me. Vikash Pradhan 94341-66781 (Mobile)

Posted by Vikash Pradhan at 7:35 AM, March 26, 2006 [Link]

As sympathetic as I am to everyone’s desire to contact Mark Tully, I have to say, this is not Mark Tully’s site. I don’t know Mark Tully. I’ve never met Mark Tully. Mark Tully wouldn’t know me from Adam. And addressing messages to Mark Tully on this site is about as effective as writing them on a piece of paper, stuffing them into a glass bottle, and dropping that bottle into the sea.

As I suggested above, if you wish to reach Mr. Tully, try the BBC at www.bbc.co.uk/ .

Posted by ralph at 8:54 AM, March 26, 2006 [Link]

will there be a chance to get his email

Posted by Kamal Faridi at 6:42 AM, July 27, 2006 [Link]

No, there will not be a chance to get his e-mail. I don’t know his e-mail address. Try the BBC.

Posted by ralph at 7:13 AM, July 27, 2006 [Link]

I need the email address of Mark Tully. Appreciate quick response.


Ryan P. G4324884.

Posted by Ryan Pereira at 12:25 AM, July 18, 2008 [Link]

Dear Sir,

I have read your book: "India’s unending journey" and it has made a big impression on me - that big that I’m playing with the thoughts that I would like to try to translate it into Norwegian. Do you have any objections? :-)

Yours sincerely Sigbjørn

Posted by Sigbjørn Husø at 2:41 PM, August 29, 2008 [Link]


I recommend you read the comment I left above at 8:54 AM, March 26, 2006 in response to someone else who was operating under the misunderstanding that this page is a suitable method to contact Mark Tully.

Unless, of course, you’re asking about the book *I* wrote called "India’s unending journey". In which case, no, you can’t.

Posted by ralph at 8:21 PM, August 30, 2008 [Link]

I am surprised at the comments, dont people read that this is not Mark Tully’s website, and he wants his privacy.

He lives in Darjeeling, and Kolkotta, so if anyone seriously wants to get hold of him go there

Posted by Dean Miah at 7:16 PM, November 13, 2008 [Link]

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to get the email id and contact address of Mark Tully immediately. i need very urgent.

Thank you.


Posted by Joy at 3:09 AM, June 1, 2009 [Link]

I’m sorry, Mr. Tully doesn’t accept e-mail from illiterate people who don’t read previous comments here.

Posted by ralph at 10:55 PM, June 2, 2009 [Link]

I am searching for Mark Tully’s email address too....someone please help!! (Only Kidding..!)

Seriously... there is one born every minute they say.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:49 PM, March 10, 2010 [Link]

I am a Journalist . I need the Mail ID of Sir Mark Tully . Please oblige

Posted by Prasanta Rajguru at 3:27 AM, November 25, 2010 [Link]

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to get the email id and contact address of Mark Tully immediately.plz send me his IdMail. I M from J&K.

Posted by ravinder raina at 4:52 AM, December 6, 2010 [Link]

i am vibhanshu n i am from nagpur maharashtra. i am a MBA student.can anyone tell me the email or contact numb of famous journalist n great human being mr mark tuli.i have heared that he is in darjeeling n i am having my college trip to darjeeling,really admire that great person.my contact number is 09372722288 8055045899

Posted by vibhanshu sharma at 11:34 AM, January 22, 2011 [Link]

Sir Mark should do some positive reporting on Bangladesh and Pakistan. B.Das.

Posted by Basudeb Das at 1:01 AM, March 11, 2011 [Link]

Sir Mark should do some positive reporting on Bangladesh and Pakistan. B.Das.

Posted by Basudeb Das at 1:03 AM, March 11, 2011 [Link]

I would like to get the email id and contact NO. & address of Mark Tully,ex-Chief,BBC,New Delhi immediately. I need the same for academic purpose. Thank you Dhiraj kakadia

Posted by Dhiraj Kakadia at 3:32 AM, April 8, 2011 [Link]

Dear Sir, I am be doing Ph.D. on Sirji Markji Tully. Please, please, pleeeeaaase tell me his email and mobile number. I will highly oblige! But seriously Ralph, my sympathies. The comments are hilarious!! I had a good laugh, but I can just imagine you tearing out your hair in frustration! Good luck with morons.

Posted by anjali at 6:40 AM, April 27, 2011 [Link]


Posted by jaffa at 8:16 AM, August 4, 2012 [Link]

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