Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Experiments in color

My friend Sharon suggested to me that shooting on slide film and having it processed as if it were print film might be worth trying, that the color shifts that happen when you do that would be pretty interesting. I checked with the place where I get my film developed, and after weeks of hemming and hawing, they agreed that they could process the film that way. So I tried it. I used my new Lomographic Society Fisheye 2 camera, a recent Christmas present from my wife. I was looking for colorful items that might become more vibrantly and vividly colorful with the cross processing. I really like the photos, but I’m not as crazy about how my scanner treated them, so I may rescan these from the film when I get a scanner capable of doing that (hopefully in the near future).

Jukebox - 200 Selections

Private Property No Trespassing

Dead End

Larger (and more) images over on my photo site.


Posted at 10:17 PM


These seem to support the notion that the world is indeed round and that clowns are even more menacing than formerly thought.

Posted by BarbraAnn at 7:32 AM, January 31, 2007 [Link]

Love the Middletown clown picture! Does the fisheye lens also act like a wideangle lens? I ask because you can see a good bit around the clown (like the Liberty Travel building).

Posted by Pat R. at 5:44 PM, January 31, 2007 [Link]

Yes, Pat, it does. It covers 170 degrees. Glad you liked the clown; it’s one of my favorite subjects around here.

Posted by ralph at 8:07 PM, January 31, 2007 [Link]

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