The alternative to flowers!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A very hot show indeed

Laura and I went to see re-formed 1980s independent pop sensations The Bongos at Joe’s Pub in Manhattan last weekend. They played their album Drums Along The Hudson in its entirety and in order, which is kind of strange, because it’s a collection of singles, not a concept album or anything. Go figure. I brought my new Lomo LC-A camera to capture the action. I had no idea how hot the show would get. I certainly didn’t expect spontaneous human combustion on stage.

Bongos singer/guitarist Richard Barone’s head ignites


Posted at 3:14 PM


How did the band sound? Have you ever seen them before? The only chance I ever had to see them was at at a homeless benefit at the Path Station in Hoboken with Chris Stamey in 1986-I had to work, though and didn’t get to go.

Posted by Patrick richardson at 9:29 PM, February 21, 2007 [Link]

I thought they sounded good. They’ve clearly been practicing.

Posted by ralph at 9:34 PM, February 21, 2007 [Link]

I saw them at least once at Max’s Kansas City (around 1980-1981). I say "at least once" because I think it was more than once, but I really don’t remember. I also saw them towards the end of their career (1986?) somewhere in Essex County, NJ. It was some kind of weird ballroom place that sometimes had rock bands or something like that. The weird thing is that in my mind I keep calling it "Roseland Ballroom" because I think it was some kind of ballroom place and I also think it was in Roseland, NJ - which I had never heard of before I went to this show! But it can’t be, since the Roseland Ballroom is in NYC... So, needless to say, since I am having so much trouble remembering where it even was, I am not going to have any comments comparing then and now, like, "Wow! They were even better than they were before" or anything like that. They were good, though.

Posted by Ralph’s XYL at 7:51 AM, February 24, 2007 [Link]

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