A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Friday, February 23, 2007

The best part of waking up

Much excitement in the Brandi household this morning. Because of our somewhat secluded location with all the trees around, it’s not unusual for people to leave us gifts on our lawn. Typically they’re things like empty cases of beer and fast food wrappers. But when I woke up this morning, I found this offering to our greatness on the lawn:

A purple Mercury Grand Marquis on our lawn

Needless to say, this wasn’t something I could just cart off to the dump or place in the approved garbage receptacle. The door was unlocked and the window and glovebox were open. I poked my head in and found a registration card that didn’t list one of our neighbors, so I immediately removed myself from the scene and called the police and gave them the license plate number. A couple minutes later, they called back and said that it appeared to be a car that a neighboring town was looking for.

Yup. Someone gave us a stolen car.

Ah, what a pleasant way to start the day. The car was just taken away a few minutes ago. I had a brief conversation with the officer to establish when the gift appeared, sometime between 8:30 last night when Laura got home from a dance class and 9:15 this morning when I went outside to take out the garbage. I wish I had looked outside when I was awake between midnight and 4 am so I could give them a better idea....

It was awfully considerate of them to refrain from parking us in.


Posted at 10:28 AM


Seems bizarre to park it in your driveway instead on the street in front of the wooded area next to your house. Maybe they felt guilty and wanted to make sure it got back to the original owner in a timely fashion (hey, they were considerate about not blocking you in).

Posted by patrick richardson at 5:36 PM, February 23, 2007 [Link]

Yeah, I agree. If they had parked on the street, I would have figured it was just someone visiting one of the neighbors, and it probably would have been three or four days before I called the police instead of three or four minutes because it was on my lawn. Very weird.

Posted by ralph at 6:10 PM, February 23, 2007 [Link]

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