A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Friday, January 18, 2008

New Slash Music Download

One of the podcasts I’ve been catching up on during my daily commute to the city has been Slash Music, a podcast done by Tom Ravenscroft for Channel 4 Radio in the U.K. I fell many episodes behind, just as I did with every other podcast I subscribed to, and am now working my way through the backlog. But there hadn’t been a new podcast in several months, which kept me from feeling too guilty over the increasing number of unlistened-to shows but still made me sad for the day not too far off when I run out of Slash Music shows to listen to.

Not to worry! I went to the Channel 4 Radio site this morning and found, right there in a big banner on the home page, that Ravenscroft has returned. The show is now called New Music Download and it’s only every other week instead of every week. And it’s not at the same URL as Slash Music, so if you subscribed to the old Slash Music podcast, you won’t automatically get the new program; you’ll have to resubscribe. But hey, beggers can’t be choosers. I’m just glad to have new shows from the ever-droll Mr. Ravenscroft.


Posted at 5:44 AM


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