Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Experiments in abstraction

I’ve been having fun with the camera on my iPhone. I don’t always have a real camera with me, but I always have my iPhone with me. And actually, I had several real cameras with me when I took these two shots, but the iPhone seemed the most appropriate camera to use.

I could tell you, but I would have to kill you

I could tell you, but I would have to kill you

I just love the abstract quality of these. They’re something concrete, something that, if I told you what it was, you would say, "of course!" But I kind of like putting them out here without saying what they’re photos of. They could be almost anything. If you look really closely at the second one, you can probably tell. Or maybe I just think so because I know where I took it.


Posted at 10:46 PM


carwash, I love them

Posted by Robin at 5:59 AM, January 29, 2010 [Link]

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