52@52 Week 4
Our nephew Nick is growing into quite the young man. We had lunch with him and his Mom Kelly on Sunday. I brought cameras, because Nick loves cameras. I loaned him one of my old Polaroids to take on his vacation. I hope he got some good pictures.
I shot this with my Kiev 88cm, a Ukrainian Hasselblad knockoff, on expired Kodachrome 64X from the Film Photography Project (expiration date December 1994, but stored frozen all this time and shot at box speed). The lens is a 120mm Petzvar, a small run Petzval lens for the Pentacon Six mount created by Dennis Ivanichek. Petzval lenses were designed early in this history of photography (ca. 1840), and produce an interesting blur pattern for the portions of the photos that are out of focus. There has been a lot of notice paid to these kind of lenses recently because Lomography started producing one for Canon and Nikon mount cameras. This one was interesting because there really aren’t many new lenses for the oddball Pentacon Six mount that the Kiev 88cm uses.

We love getting together with Nick and Kelly. Nick is sweet, polite, and fun to be around.
Posted at 5:44 AM