As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Thursday, September 17, 2015

52@52 Week 7

For week 7 of my 52 week project, I took my Calumet CC-401 4×5 view camera out to Belford Harbor, again loaded with New55 instant film from the New55 Project. I headed out right after I got home from work to try to capture the light of the golden hour. It’s starting to get a little late in the season to do that with my commute.

The camera here was the same as last time, a Calumet CC-401 View Camera. The lens is a Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar-S 210mm lens in a Copal shutter. I shot the New55 film at ISO 100. The shutter was set to f/22 and 1/15 of a second. The film was processed in a Polaroid 545i holder/processor and left to develop for the prescribed four minutes; the negative was then fixed in Photographer’s Formulary TD-4 fixer and washed for ten minutes, then scanned in an Epson 4990 scanner. Pretty much the same as last time, in other words.

Scan of the print of a New55 photo of Belford Harbor

The print this time is kind of odd. It looks out of focus across the entire shot. I know I focused carefully, particularly on the name of the Dutch Girl, which was the best-lit ship in the harbor.

Scan of the print of a New55 photo of Belford Harbor

The negative shows that I did in fact have the shot in focus. So I’m not sure why the print looks the way it does. Odd. I learned that I have to be particularly careful with the negatives when they’re in the fixer, though. I managed to scratch it up pretty badly. I patched most of them in the scanning, but I can’t really use the negative to print. Oh well. I guess that gives me an opportunity to go to the location again and get a shot that I don’t destroy through my own incompetence.

Posted at 1:53 PM


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