52@52 Week 10
We moved to a new office this week. Last Friday was our last day at the old office (Google’s original office in NYC, incidentally) on Times Square.
I brought my latest acquisition on the day, a Canonet QL-17 GIII 35mm rangefinder that my friend Olivier had gifted me, loaded with expired Tri-X (actually Arista Premium 400, but same difference; it’s Tri-X under the hood). I shot the whole roll. I developed it in Rodinal 1:50 for 13 minutes.
This is a shot of my friend Tony, eating lunch in our cafeteria for the last time.

I can’t say I’m going to miss this office. It made for a relatively convenient commute, being a ten minute walk from Penn Station, but midtown is soulless. Bryant Park is nice, but the several million Elmos mobbing Times Square are not.
Our new office is in Soho right on the border between Soho and the West Village. I’ve been walking the nearly two miles from Penn Station to the new office every day. It’s a lovely walk down 8th Avenue and Hudson Street. The West Village feels like a foreign country; it makes me feel like I’m in London. I’m still figuring out how I want to commute (the ferry is also a possibility), but any way I choose seems like an improvement to me. I’ll probably post something shot at the new office next week, and expect to shoot many pictures as I explore our new surroundings in the coming months.
Posted at 12:13 AM