52@52 Week 16
I loaded the Canonette QL17 with Kodak Tri-X (actually its doppelganger, Arista Premium 400, which used to be sold by Freestyle, but it’s the exact same film) and took it out for my walk to Penn Station from our office in Soho.
I shot at 1/30 of a second with the lens wide open at f/1.7. None of the photos are tack sharp, but I’ve long felt that sharpness is overrated. This is one of the sharper ones, and one of the last ones I shot Monday night. This is in Chelsea, somewhere between 14th and 23rd streets on 8th Avenue. Things get progressively less interesting the closer you get to Penn Station. I love the West Village. Chelsea is okay south of 23rd. North of 23rd, it’s less interesting. Still, it all beats the hell out of midtown. The streets are always full of interesting people and interesting businesses.

I rated the film at EI 1600 and stand developed it in Rodinal 1:100 for an hour. The histogram in my scans indicates that I have a bit more leeway than I thought, so I think that my next shots in this situation will use a shutter speed of 1/60 of a second to try to and reduce motion blur.
Posted at 8:19 AM