The alternative to flowers!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

52@52 Week 26

We got 19 inches of snow last weekend. So I figured I would take my lemons and make some lemonade. This shot is all about the light on my backyard late in the afternoon last Sunday.

Snowed In

I shot this with the Intrepid again. I got e-mail on Sunday that my Wanderlust Travelwide is shipping this week (today, in fact, but USPS still has no record of the shipment as of 7:23pm), but it’s not here yet. I used the Slik tripod I inherited from my brother, which is definitely stable enough for the Intrepid. I loaded some holders with Arista.EDU Ultra 400 instead of the Tri-X I’ve been shooting lately, and returned to Rodinal for development. I know HC-110 and Rodinal are similar types of developers, but I just prefer the look of Rodinal. There’s something about it that sings to me.

I used the Angulon 90mm f/6.8 for this shot. The corners are pretty blurry, particularly the top right. I think I had the camera set with some rise for this shot. I’ll have to try the lens straight on next time and see if the corners work better.

Oh, and I should note that this is week 26. I’m halfway through my 52 week project. I actually like this week’s photo. Maybe this is working.

Posted at 7:30 PM


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