A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Thursday, February 11, 2016

52@52 Week 28

So here’s my first shot with the Wanderlust Travelwide.

443 Greenwich

I shot this in Tribeca, a few blocks south of my office. I love the cobblestone streets in this part of town. It makes New York seem so old at the same time the construction is making it new.

I put my 1937 beater Angulon 90mm f/6.8 on the camera. Shot this with Arista EDU Ultra 400, developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 11 minutes.

I like the Travelwide. It is amazingly light. I feel the Intrepid, which is also light, when I put it in my backpack. The Travelwide I feel a lot less. I wish I had a lens that wasn’t soft in the corners. Maybe I’ll try the 1972 Angulon on the camera, but I think it showed pretty much the same softness when I used it on the Intrepid.

I loaded up a couple of holders with Portra 400, and I bought some Velvia 100 from B&H and an E6 development kit from the Film Photography Project, so I’ll probably be posting some color shots in the next few weeks. I’ve never developed my own E6 film before; I do my own black and white, and have also done my own C-41 negatives for years, but I’ve always farmed out my transparency film. I was happy with how LTI Lightside did them, but with the office move, it’s not so easy to get there at lunch time. Maybe the Lomography store on 8th Street would do it, but I doubt they would have same day turnaround. Anyway, something new to try. Always there’s something new to try.

Posted at 4:11 AM


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