52@52 Week 31
I took the Travelwide out at lunch time on Tuesday. I used the Linhof viewfinder I bought last week. It makes framing a lot easier.

I also swapped out lenses. This is using the Linhof-selected Angulon 90mm f/6.8 lens from around 1972 rather than the 1937 beater I had loaded on the camera. I think it’s still a little soft in the corners, but less so.
I went back to black and white this week. It’s fun playing with color, but I like the look of black and white better. I need to look at getting a yellow filter for the Angulon, see if it’s possible.
Shot this on Tri-X TXP 320, handheld, f/22 at 1/100 of a second.
I love living at the shore. Not crazy about what that means for my commute, but while I’m here, it’s wonderful.
Posted at 6:22 AM