I’m sick.
I still managed to get a picture for this week, though. I went to the doctor yesterday morning for this sinus infection, and I took along my Wanderlust Travelwide loaded with a holder of Velvia 100.
On warm summer days, occasionally this area smells of fish. Not often, maybe a couple of days a year. That’s because about two miles from my house, there’s the fishery in Belford. It’s a co-op, run by the fishermen themselves. It’s always been there, more or less.
I don’t eat fish, so I haven’t sampled their wares. But I was driving by their dead-end location a few weeks ago and thought it looked picturesque. So after my doctor’s appointment and before work, I stole a few minutes yesterday and shot this.
As mentioned, this was shot on 4×5 Velvia 100. I developed it myself, using the E-6 kit I got from the Film Photography Project store that I mentioned a few weeks ago. I think I’m happier with this than with my previous attempts. It’s still a bit underexposed, but not unusably so. Unfortunately, my Pentax Spotmeter V is out of commission for the moment, so I used a light meter app for my phone to meter this. All things considered, I like the shot. You need to know what temperature your chemicals are in order to develop E-6 with this kit, but they provide timings from 100 degrees F down to 70 degrees, so it actually seems a bit less critical than developing C-41. I’m pretty amazed at the results I’m getting; I used to take my slide film to be developed because E-6 processing seemed daunting, but really, it’s not.
Sadly, Shoal Harbor Fishery was badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy, and has never re-opened.
Posted at 5:15 AM
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