52@52 Week 39
Well, I really screwed this one up.

I shot this last weekend with the Intrepid and some of the New55 from the automated coater. I developed for three minutes instead of the two that they recommend, which is what I started doing with the hand-coated stuff. This came out overexposed, so I think I’ll try two minutes for the next attempt. The print looked a lot worse than this, very blown out.
But worse, the angle looks awful. I leveled the tripod, thought I levelled the camera, but I must have bumped the rotator on the back of the camera slightly when I was putting the Polaroid film holder in place. Crap. Oh well, it’s not like Sandy Hook, where I shot this, is a million miles away.
This is week 39, which means I’m three-quarters done with this project. It’s good to have this to spur me to shoot, but some weeks the results are less than inspiring. I guess that’s okay; the idea is the keep shooting and get better.
I did go out last Sunday with my Supersense 66/6 pinhole camera (built on top of the Impossible Project’s film processor unit, 500 of them in the world) for World Pinhole Photography Day. But the film I used, Impossible Project Color 600 Beta from December, didn’t work very well. I got lots of weird orange spots on my shots. I suppose there’s a certain charm to them, but I didn’t feel like using one of them for this project.
Posted at 3:26 PM