52@52 Week 42
We went to Washington, DC, last weekend. We were actually mostly in northern Virginia, attending our nephew’s college graduation, but we spent an afternoon in Our Nation’s Capital, where I shot this.

I took the Wanderlust Travelwide with me, and shot two frames on Kodak Portra 400. The first was of my nephew and his family (and my wife, his aunt) after graduation. The second was this shot of the Capital and reflecting pool. The area around the reflecting pool was filled with state troopers from around the country marking National Peace Officers Memorial Day. I also had my new Impossible Project I-1 with me, which provoked the usual questions about do they still make film for those things. People were surprised that not only do they make film, they make cameras now too, and that this one was less than a week old.
I shot this at f/22, 1/100 of a second, and gave it the usual 3.5 minutes in C-41, which never changes no matter what film you use. The exposure was spot on based on the histogram when I scanned the negative.
I suppose there’s nothing new about this photo. It’s shot from the place where millions of photographers shoot the Capitol building, where the lines of sight are more-or-less preserved and you can see most of the building and its surroundings. But this one is mine.
Posted at 8:41 AM