52@52 Week 52
With this shot, I (successfully) complete my 52 @ 52 project, having shot, developed, scanned, and posted a shot from a unit of film shot in a given week on every Thursday for the past year. I didn’t miss a single week, and in fact posted on Thursday every single week, even when I was out of town or the Internet wasn’t working at my house.

This shot was made with the Pentax 67 I described in last week’s post, this time with the 80mm f/2.8 lens, again on Ilford Pan F Plus developed in Rodinal 1:50 for 11 minutes. I shot this on Sunday when Laura and I went out for breakfast in Avon-by-the-sea, a nearby shore town. I’m pretty happy with this one. I like the composition, and the exposure seems good to me. I’ll be sending the camera off for repairs and a CLA soon so I can make full use of it.
I’m glad to have done this. I’m also glad to be finished.
C’est fini.
Posted at 12:25 AM