Hollering into the void since 2002

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Monsters, Inc.

Cory Doctorow has a nice, well-written summary of how Hollywood is going to take away your rights because of their paranoid fantasies, and of how the tech industry was suckered into participating against their own interests. There’s not much new there for anyone who has been reading the EFF’s Broadcast Protection Discussion Group weblog, Consensus at Lawyerpoint. But Cory says something that seemed a bit off to me. He specifically called for Apple and Steve Jobs to break ranks with the timid bloc of cowering tech companies that are bowing to the pressure from Hollyweird and stand up to the bullying from the studios and the MPAA. He’s forgotten one thing, though. Steve Jobs is part of the MPAA. (Link to Cory’s article found via Backup Brain.)

Posted at 12:09 AM


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