As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Friday, August 16, 2002

I can even forgive him for giving us Ricki Lake

Didja ever wonder what the inside of the apartment of the King of Bad Taste Movies looks like? So did the New York Times. So they went and visited John Waters. It sounds like he keeps most of his really tacky stuff, like his electric chair, in Baltimore. I particularly like this quote:

I write every morning from 8 to 11:30. I have to think up weird things. That’s my job. And then the rest of the day I figure out how to make that into money.

I guess it’s getting harder and harder to do as he gets older. His later movies, like Pecker and Hairspray, have actually been more sweet than weird. But then, that’s what the Times calls the Broadway version of Hairspray, sweet.

Posted at 6:46 PM


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