Hollering into the void since 2002

Thursday, August 28, 2003

And Strong Sad would be, um, Ralph Malph

I know Laura is going to love this, if she hasn’t seen it already. The New York Times has an article about her latest obsession, which I mentioned here last week, the Flash-based animation site Homestar Runner.

In an extreme rarity on the Internet these days, the site has no pop-up, banner or button advertisements; no links; and nothing else that would remove a Web surfer from the charming, insular universe the brothers have created. Their clever and simplistically animated shorts, games and hidden surprises revolve around Homestar, an armless, mentally soft marshmallowlike character with a speech impediment, and his lovable enemy, Strongbad, a harmless evildoer with a Mexican wrestling mask for a head.

I’ve taken to describing Strong Bad as the Fonzie of Homestar Runner, the secondary character who is so strong that he takes over the series from the putative "star". That would make Homestar the Opie Cunningham of his own site.

Posted at 6:52 AM


this website is incredibly queer. i hope that dont get any hits. you sure dont deserve any. i hate cats. get a life.

with extreme sincerity, okbye

Posted by afdj;lskjadslkjflshomerowflasjdf; at 2:50 AM, September 20, 2003 [Link]

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