A huge orangupoid, which no man can conquer

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Pack a peck of pockled pippers

Have I mentioned how sick and tired I am of packing? We’ve been packing for two months already. We’ve moved dozens of boxes to our storage area, and now we’re placing boxes in our living room. I spent a couple of hours in the garage this evening packing, then came inside to do some packing from among the couple thousand CDs we own (the landlord was quite impressed with the collection when he was here this past weekend to show the house to prospective renters). Every day seems the same; go to work, come home, spend hours packing. I’m so sick of packing. I don’t ever want to move again. I want to live in the same house until I die, and then sprinkle my ashes over the back yard, because damnit, I don’t ever want to pack again.

Posted at 11:31 PM


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