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Monday, October 27, 2003

The autumn leaves

Some leaves just don’t want to hit the ground.

[ Photograph of a yellow leaf against a dark red-brown cement wall near a green drainspout ]

Posted at 12:56 AM


Nice eye. That looks like one of the Photoshop examples in a British photography magazine I just bought. Even more impressive that the colors and orientation of the leaf were real.

Posted by Mike at 2:27 PM, October 27, 2003 [Link]

great photo... hey, are you going to do 26 things?

Posted by deb at 6:48 AM, October 29, 2003 [Link]

Thanks for the nice comments. Mike, yeah, I was surprised to see the leaf just hanging there on the cement wall of our house with no visible means of support. Very strange.

Deb, I wasn’t aware there was going to be a new 26 things. I’m incredibly busy with work and projects around the house, but I may give it a shot anyway. I noticed that one of the items in the last one was "construction", and if they include that in the new one, I should have plenty of potential subjects for that next month without having to leave my own basement.

Posted by ralph at 10:54 AM, October 29, 2003 [Link]

yeah, the new one starts on 1st November. www.sh1ft.org/26things/

aww, come on. i’m insanely busy too, but i’m going to give it a go.

Posted by deb at 3:08 PM, October 30, 2003 [Link]

Go ahead, twist my arm. Owwww! Okay, okay, I’ll give it a shot. :-)

Posted by ralph at 10:47 PM, October 30, 2003 [Link]

hooray! that’s the spirit.

Posted by deb at 5:50 AM, October 31, 2003 [Link]

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