As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Page 23

Found on 2020 Hindsight:

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open the book to page 23.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.

Here goes:

"Look," Rich Armitage responded, "we told the Taliban in no uncertain terms that if this happened, it’s their ass.

(Against All Enemies, Richard Clarke. A damning indictment of the Bush administration and their policies to encourage terrorism.)

Posted at 8:46 PM


"Try them and see if you’re right." (Programming Perl. 3rd ed)

(not counting ’For Example:’ as a complete sentence, the line is:

"Or cheat and look at Chapter 3, Unary and Binary Operators" :)

Posted by Ben Hines at 10:07 PM, April 15, 2004 [Link]

"But in the middle of the Aurora, high above the bleak landscape, Lyra could see something more solid."

- The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman

Posted by sis at 12:04 PM, April 16, 2004 [Link]

hey ralph, it’s jo laura’s dinner friend! tell her i found your blog we spoke about at dinner. my blog is at: never created my own like you did, but it’s good enough.

Posted by Joanne Grazide at 2:29 PM, March 25, 2006 [Link]

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