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Friday, May 31, 2002

Three Strikes...

I heard on NPR in the car earlier that a court in Philadelphia struck down the most recent attempt of Congress to block bad stuff on the Internet. Hallelujah! One thing that I didn’t see mentioned in the AP article on Yahoo that was in the NPR piece was a quote from one of the law’s proponents who said that if this law couldn’t survive judicial review, he didn’t think anything that applied to the Internet could, and that it just might make more sense to rely on existing anti-obscenity laws. Exactly! Now they get it! And it only took having three laws they championed thrown out. Funny, the opponents of the laws have been suggesting exactly that approach since the beginning.... (The audio of the NPR story will be online later tonight, under the title Libraries and Internet Filters.)

Posted at 6:41 PM


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