The alternative to flowers!

Friday, May 31, 2002

East Egg Revisited

One of my favorite directors, Barbara Kopple, who directed the landmark 1976 film Harlan County U.S.A., has figured out how to get a serious documentary on national commercial television: bill is as a "reality mini-series". This Sunday and Monday, ABC will be showing The Hamptons, a four hour documentary about the retreat where the elite meet and greet. (Pity it’s on ABC, a Disney network. I really don’t want to watch anything on any network Disney owns, for reasons I’ve ranted about before.)

Maybe next up one of the networks will hire Albert Maysles or Frederick Wiseman to do reality mini-serieses for them.

Posted at 7:10 PM


hello! where did you find Barbara Koppel’s "The hamptons" on dvd/ or to buy????

Posted by mai at 6:01 PM, November 11, 2004 [Link]

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