Groovy ’60s Sounds from the Land of Smile!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Big and windy

The grocery stores were packed this afternoon as we all rushed out to make sure our pantries were full before The Big Storm hits tomorrow. This is not unusual; April here on the Jersey shore is a big weather month, and Nor’easters are common visitors at this time of the year.

There’s one thing that’s different about this one from April Nor’easters of the past, though. They would have hit us with 2 feet of snow rather than the 2 inches of rain that are forecast to fall tomorrow.

But hey, not to worry. We’ll be alright. FEMA has activated its response team to respond to the Nor’easter. You remember them; they’re the people that did a heckuva job getting New Orleans back on its feet....

Posted at 10:20 PM


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