52@52 Week 25
Took the Intrepid out last weekend, this time with a Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon 90mm f/6.8 lens attached. I couldn’t find the quick release post for my Slik tripod, and I didn’t feel like taking the Berlebach, so I used a monopod that I got from Monoprice. It was a little ungainly and unwieldy, but I managed to make it work.

I had a dentist appointment that morning, so afterward I drove to Asbury Park. I shot two sheets, a photo of Asbury Lanes a couple of blocks off the boardwalk, and this, my favorite building in Asbury Park, the restaurant formerly known as the Howard Johnson’s, now McLoone’s. It is a distinctive building. The Intrepid is very light, and I like it, but I suspect the Wanderlust Travelwide is going to be better suited for walking around. The Intrepid lacks the viewfinder that a press camera like the Speed Graphic does, meaning that you need to frame on the ground glass, making it more like a really light monorail camera in some ways. Or you can take a page from Lomography and shoot from the hip, I guess. In any case, I still like the camera a lot. I’ve been thinking about screwing a couple of eye bolts into the body to use to hook a neck strap to it so I can try walking around. I have a reasonable idea where infinite focus is on the camera with both the 90mm and 150mm lenses (you can screw down the front standard in different locations to accomodate both of those lenses, and infinity is pretty much in the same spot for both once that’s done). So I’ll see if it works for walking around. Might waste a little film in the process, but that’s part of the fun. Maybe I’ll load some holders with X-Ray film or Arista film; it’s certainly cheaper than the Tri-X I’ve been using lately and maybe better for experimentation.
I developed this in HC-110, dilution G, for 13 minutes. My bottle of Rodinal is down to crystals, and I have the HC-110 hanging around, so I figured I would use it. I still have two or three more bottles of Rodinal, all the original AGFA labelled stuff, but hey, it keeps forever, so no rush to open the next bottle.
I ordered new quick release posts for the tripod from B&H, and they arrived a couple of days ago. Hopefully I can get out of the house this weekend between snowflakes and make use of it to get more shots. Or maybe I’ll just shoot what my backyard looks like with a foot and a half of snow on it.
Posted at 5:31 AM