I have been sick.
I have not been into the city at all since last Thursday. I’ve barely been out of the house most days. So I looked for photos locally. This was taken from my driveway.
I’m not happy with this. The depth of field is too shallow, and the stuff that’s supposed to be in focus is even a little blurry. But this is pretty much all I shot, this and one other shot from my driveway that I was even less happy with.
I shot this with my Intrepid and my Schneider-Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 at f/5.6, 1/50 of a second, on Fuji Velvia 100. I self-developed it. I’m happier with this development than I was with the RetroChrome 320 I mentioned last week, but it’s still hard to gauge how good this E6 kit is because I have not worked with Velvia much. I know it gives intense colors, and I certainly see that in this shot, taken about an hour after sunrise, just as the light peeks over the houses and through the trees in my neighborhood. I’m going to have to shoot a roll of something I know well, like the Ektachrome 100 or 64 I have in my film fridge.
This wheelbarrow is about 40 years old. My parents bought it when they bought this house. It’s been outside most of the years since then, so it’s acquired the patina of age (or, bluntly, rust).
I ordered a Linhof viewfinder from KEH yesterday so I can try to more accurately frame shots with my Wanderlust Travelwide. The sportsfinder it comes with just doesn’t make it easy.
Posted at 9:30 AM
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